Terms of Reference
The BNCAR is the official representing body of Belgium within SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research). This implies that BNCAR members schould:
- participate, when appointed, to the bi-annual meetings of SCAR as national delegate(s) or member(s) of one of the 3 SCAR Standing Scientific Groups (Geosciences, Life Sciences and Physical Sciences) or of other SCAR Standing Committees (e.g. Antarctic Geographic Information). They should also contribute to the inter-sessional activities of these Scientific Standing Groups.
- contribute to establish the Belgian annual report to SCAR.
- respond to particular information requests from SCAR.
- Give advice or respond on matters raised within international bodies such as the ATCM (Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting) and its CEP (Committee for Environmental Protection), CCAMLR (Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Resources), CCAS (Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals), EPB (European Polar Board).
- Promote (Belgian) Polar Science at an international level.
General Terms of Reference
Forum to bring members together to share information, identify common problems and to seek collective vision and endeavors for Belgian Antarctic (and Arctic) research.
Strategy to identify scientific and operational issues of strategic importance with respect to Belgian Antarctic (and Arctic) research and activities.
Voice to express a collective vision for the future Belgian Antarctic (and Arctic) research and activities in relation to developments in Belgium, Europe and the World.
Specific National Terms of Reference
Participate in the Belgian coordination bodies concerning Antarctic research.
Establish by means of invited speakers or surveys an overview (State of the Art) of Belgian Antarctic (and Arctic) research and activities.
Organize – whenever appropriate – manifestations, symposia etc. to promote Antarctic (and Arctic) research.
Voice – whenever appropriate or necessary – our concerns about the state of the environment in Antarctica (and Arctica) within the framework of sustainable development.
Promote Polar science in general within the Belgian context.